Following Jesus Together
In RDU As It Is In Heaven
Our vision is taken directly from the lips of Jesus, Here as in Heaven. This is the vision for our lives, our city, our campuses, and our world. As a response, we endeavor to become a family of friends that seek revival and renewal in our cities and communities through Practicing The Way of Jesus, Together in the RDU. Our dream is that as we live this way our lives, our communities, and the RDU will be transformed.
We long to see spiritual renewal & awakening in the RDU. But before it can touch our city it must first begin in our hearts. Join us and other believer’s from across the RDU on First Sunday’s for an evening of fellowship, worship, teaching, and prayer for the renewal of our hearts, homes, and city.
Monthly Sunday Gathering / 4:30pm
Seven Marks Church
3500 Spring Forest Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27616
When We Gather!
Corporate Worship & Teaching
We gather once a month as a wider community for a time of corporate worship, teaching, and conversation. First Sunday’s will launch sometime in 2025. To learn more & experience what First Sunday’s will look like consider joining us for our monthly Pioneer Team Gatherings.
Discipleship Bands + Simple Gatherings
We gather together regularly in homes and spaces throughout the city to cultivate family and grow in Practicing The Way of Jesus together. Our two Simple Gatherings are Home Groups and Discipleship Bands. Our Home Groups will launch sometime in 2025. Discipleship Bands are already underway. Click the link below to learn more.
Special Gatherings
Sunday, January 26 / 4:30 PM
Brew Coffee - Raleigh
A gathering of RDU men to cultivate friendships, worship, pray for one another, and be stirred with fresh vision to grow in loving Jesus, our families, and communities well.
Sunday, February 9 / 1:30 PM
Bethel City Church
A gathering of RDU women to cultivate friendships, worship, pray for one another, and be stirred with fresh vision to grow in loving Jesus, our families, and communities well.
Our Four Pursuits:
We pursue these Four Pursuits in the context of a Gospel-centered community.
We believe God shows up in unique ways when we intentionally gather in His name. We pursue the presence of God through individual and communal spiritual practices. When we gather we are committed to experiencing the Heart of Jesus together through the public reading of scripture, prayer, worship, communion, and responding to the Spirit of God.
We pursue deep transformation, embracing the counter-culture rhythms of Jesus, by learning to walk in His ways, and not in the ways of the world. We are committed to being a people continually shaped and formed by the way of Christ.
We pursue God’s heart for Christ-centered unity among believers, and churches within our city, extending beyond our local spiritual community. We believe the Body of Christ is the greatest force of good in the world. We endeavour to strengthen unity among faithful believers and churches in the RDU.
As a community of people following in the way of Jesus, we exist for the good of our city and our world. This means living our life on mission in such a way that our city and world looks more like Heaven.
Get Involved
Get Involved
We are excited to create a space for people to gather in Raleigh and around tables across the RDU for intentional worship and spiritual formation. Consider giving a one-time or recurring gift today to help us meet the practical and spiritual needs of this new work. Give Now
True and lasting transformation is birthed and sustained through prayer. Join us in praying for this new work in our city and area.
Help us create something beautiful in the RDU by joining our Pioneer Team, a team of servant-leaders deeply connected and completely committed to practicing the way of Jesus together for the renewal of our city.