The spiritual, emotional, and mental impact from leading in our homes and in the workplace are internal wrestles/pressures that are not meant to be carried alone. But more often than not, men find themselves carrying these burdens in isolation. 

We want to create a space for men across the RDU to grow spiritually together. To move from…

  • Burnout to encounter

  • Isolation to community

  • Autopilot to renewed vision

This is not a men’s bible study, small group, or accountability group. This is a community of men committed to growing and learning from each other through shared practices for life, home, work, and ministry.

RSVP to join us on Sunday, January 26 at 4:30pm!


Brew Coffee - Raleigh
2310 Bale St.
Raleigh, NC 27608

City Movement Men’s Gathering

*Here As It Is In Heaven

*Here As It Is In Heaven